Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Short Story of Discovery, Love...and DEATH or The Perturbed Canary

 Once upon a time, there was Canary.  Though unjustly named, he let a mostly wonderful life.  Once day, he was discovered, in every sense of the word.

But what do you do with it?

And time passes...

...and she changed her mind.

 Now we shall be best friends forever! (montage)

Oh, you are SO funny...whatever you are!


A little later...

Wake UP! Time for a snack! where did you go?


But she had gone to far.  Her seemingly appropriate reaction to canary's fecal blunder caused an uproar.  Canary sent other ceramics crashing on the hardwood floor and squawked loud bird-like obscenities.  She had no idea of the grave mistake she had made.

Canary went to a dark place...

She couldn't see a change in Canary's shiny glass eyes.

But in that moment, Canary changed.